Books Lists
Recommended reading for students
- Alice Savoie’s PhD on early phototypesetting typefaces
- Typography Papers no 4
- John D Berry (ed) Language, culture, type
- Gerlach, Grögel, Morlighem, Smeijers Karbid Eye no 7, 1992
- John D Berry (ed) Now read this
- Nokia Pure specimen
- Walter Tracy Letters of credit
- Nicolete Gray History of lettering
- Ewan Clayton The golden thread
- Richard Southall Printer’s type in the 20th century
- Jan Middendorp Shaping text
- Typography referenced
- Robin Kinross Modern typography
- specimen for Peter Verheul’s Rijksoverheid typeface
- Roger Hersch (ed) Visual and technical aspects of type
- Karl Gerstner Designing programmes
- proceedings of the 1969 ATypI conference in Prague
- proceedings of the 2013 Granshan conference in Bangkok
- Visible language XV no 1 (for Michael Twyman’s “Typography without words”)
- Visible language XIX no 1 (issue on “the hand and the computer in type design”)
- Fred Smeijers Counterpunch
- Gerritt Noordzij The stroke and The stroke and the pen
- Harry Carter / James Mosley Fournier on typefounding
- Jan van Krimpen On designing and devising type
- a keepsake typeset by Frederick Warde
(Graduates will recoil at the absence of some staples of this session, but the stack was getting quite high. And we still have the non-Latin intro to add.)